Sunday, March 18, 2012


Its one of my favorite times of year.  Apart from the messy streets and the soggy grass, I look forward to spring.  Its an awakening of the senses and life in general.  We had a very mild winter in Edmonton this year for which I am thankful.  I had braced myself for the worst only to find it was unnecessary.  The clear skies are back, the windows are open, the chirpy birdies are returning, and the smells.  I think I love the scent of spring the most.  People can try to bottle it all they want, but the true scent of spring is unlike any mix of chemicals and oils. 

My second favorite spring feature is the cleaning.  Are any of you surprised?  What better way to spend this new-found burst of energy that comes with spring?  The housework, the yard work, the purging, I'm giddy at the thought.  A fresh start and it comes once a year.  Take advantage.  Here are a few things that might help inspire you to absorb spring and all its benefits.

Visit BetterHomes&Gardens for this spring cleaning and organization guide.

This beautiful spring-inspired blog post from Color Me Pretty.

Fill your home with fresh spring flowers, image here from Country Living.

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