Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Luxe Box

My February Luxe Box is here! Oh, I just get so excited when I see that little black or for this month, red box in the mail.  Who wouldn't love getting a gift every month!  Ok in a roundabout way you've paid for it, but still you're gifting yourself something new and exciting.  Enough rambling, onto the goods.

My pretty red box.

24 Hours Glam Mascara by Lise Watier

More MoroccanOil! I just ran out of my other supply, perfect timing.

Beautiful Body Balm by Mereadesso.

Threw in a $25 coupon towards the purchase of select full size products. Thanks!

My Luxe Box also included three Color Extend by Redken travel size shampoo and conditioners.  As well as a bonus item, Face and Neck Toning Gel by Mereadesso which I forgot to take a photo of.  I can't wait til next month...my birthday month, I wonder if they throw in a little something special.  I guess we'll see in a few weeks!

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