Monday, February 27, 2012

The Weekend

This weekend winter finally unleashed on Edmonton.  Not sure how long it will be here, but between Friday and Saturday we have enough snow to last us until the Spring.  With the snow, the temperature fell too.  Bring on Old Man Winter.  Despite the weather, we enjoyed a great weekend.  Saturday afternoon we headed to the bar for the Oiler's game.  We ended up with some free drinks after our waitress put her foot in her mouth several times during conversation...she proceeded to talk about how much she dislikes Americans after I told her I was one.  That was pleasant.  I'm pretty used to it now though, I used to hold grudges.  But we can take it.  Saturday evening we celebrated a great friends birthday.  Happy Birthday Pam!

Sunday morning we were in rough shape, but we mustered up the energy to take in a bridal expo. Yep, I got Nate to come to a bridal show with me.  He's great, he didn't even give me a hard time about it.  He understands its all about the bridal experience and that I should have one.  With all that said, it was awful.  I hadn't realized when I got us registered that it was mostly a bridal fashion show.  There were booths set up giving away honeymoon packages and door prizes, none of which we won.  In order to find out if you won, you had to watch the damn show as they randomly announced the winners during it.  I already have my dress, so I wasn't interested...neither was Nate.  Now, I can say I've been to one.  Won't go to another.  Sunday night we "watched" the Oscars.  We never really looked at the TV, it was great background noise to the wedding address labels we were working on and finished.

Also, last Monday was Family Day here in Alberta.  I have mentioned before that Canadians love their long weekends.  Its not a national holiday yet, I'm sure soon enough all the other provinces will follow suit.  We had another reason to celebrate as some great friends of ours welcomed their third child, baby boy Jackson to their family.  What better way to celebrate Family Day!  Congratulations Wray clan!

And I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  Happy Monday!


  1. failed to metion this waitress to me! Yay for free drinks!

  2. it's amazing the culture shock i experienced moving to the states, was more so then when i moved to england...

    p.s. we were bracing for that storm....but it missed us, yay!
