Monday, September 09, 2013

happy monday

I hope you all had a great weekend! I was trying to come up with some clever play on words for today's post and decided to keep it straight and narrow. I'm not a huge fan of Mondays actually, but I was rather looking forward to this one. We had one of those The Money Pit kind of weekends (ya know, the movie with Tom Hanks and Shelley Long). Don't get me wrong, I love our house and it is by no means hopelessly dilapidated, however this weekend it really tested my irritability.

It started out with our washer/dryer combo going kaput...with a full drum of soiled water and still dirty clothes. Ugh, I mean what is a neat freak is supposed to do with those clothes? Luckily, Nate picked up on my mood and took care of the clothes for me. Unfortunately, we need a new washer and dryer.

Then, that evening Nate was fast asleep and I was getting there when we heard what sounded like our house collapsing to the ground or at least what I would imagine that to sound like.  We wake up, disoriented and unable to focus our eyes in the dark to see what the heck that was...enjoying my dramatization? After I screamed a few profanities, I realized all the shelves in our closet along with our entire wardrobe had just completely detached from the wall and was now a giant mess of clothes and drywall all over our bedroom floor. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so I just laughed hysterically until I cried. Then went back to bed.

I'll spare you the details of our other inconveniences of the weekend, the closet incident really takes the cake. And while I wait for our closet to be repaired I will continue to grab my clothes off the floor as I need them as I have thrown in the towel and refuse to find them a new home.

I did however have a fantastic Monday which included a cavity-free trip to the dentist and a business meeting with my favorite 2 year old boy and his brand new baby sister. Not a bad start to the week! 


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