Just after our wedding in Michigan, Nate told me the company he works for was sending him to their headquarters in Holland. I was so excited for him! I mean this was huge news, they selected him for management training and as part of the 10 month program this would be the first of many times he would be travelling to Europe. He left last Saturday. Though his company was taking care of everything else, Nate decided not to turn on his cell phone for the week to avoid ridiculous roaming charges and that we would just Skype to keep in touch. As if the 8 hour time difference didn't propose a big enough issue, my trusty laptop I had recently been praising for longevity, crashed. I'm sure you're thinking, no biggie use your smart phone. Yeah, I might be the last person on the face of the earth without one. I have good reason, too. Anyway, I am without a husband and without means of communicating. Yesterday, I picked up Kathy's laptop to borrow for the time being, get home right away to try to call Nate...only for the life of me I can't remember our wireless password. The only other person who does is the one person I can't get ahold of. Lame.
Its funny you know, I never thought of myself as dependant on technology. Don't get me wrong, I know this world would be nothing without it these days. But I rarely use my laptop and I've already admitted I don't have a smart phone. The one time I needed technology to pull through for me...it failed. Not being able to communicate with my husband visiting a country where anything goes stressed me out. Its been a long week. I can't wait to see him tomorrow and hear all about his time in Holland. And maybe we'll pay a visit to Best Buy.
I need an update on your life! I need to see more photos of your home! I need to buy tickets for Michigan immediately so I can start counting down the days!