Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hunger Pangs

Nate and I are making good on a promise to get healthy.  I'm so proud of us, we are already seeing great improvements.  It feels wonderful to be back on the pavement again, running is liberating.  A huge part of getting healthy is watching what we eat, right?  Well, thats just no fun for me.  I love food.  I love snacking.  I love candy.  I want chocolate.  I love chips.  Did someone say chocolate?  I know, I know... I can have all these things everything in moderation, I hear it a thousand times a day.  The problem is I have a serious misconception about moderation and no will power.  Its best to just not have exhibit A, B, and C around.  Keep it out of the house or I will be the guilty party.  I feel better talking about my problem.  Thanks for listening.

I hear the hunger pangs are just a phase and that its almost over.  I'll tell you its not easy.  Being a snacker, my favorite snack time is before bed.  Quite possibly the worst time to eat anything.  But, I've given it up and I find it empowering.  It was hard at first to go to bed with a rumbly tumbly, but I think my body has adjusted itself to just not crave the after dinner snack.  And I'm loving the results.  I will say I feel great right about now.  I actually have energy again!  And my sour moods are few and far between as of late, I know Nate is reaping those benefits.  All I wonder now is why it took me so long to get back into shape? 

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