Tuesday, March 06, 2012

A Little Messed Up

I said it out loud the other day for the first time.  It is a dream of mine to live in a haunted house.  Its no secret to my family and friends that I am completely fascinated by ghosts.  Yeah, I'm a believer.  I've never seen one nor had any spooky experiences, but I'd love to.  I can only imagine what it would be like living with a ghost.  I understand not all ghosts are cool some are...pestering, inconvenient, demonic.  I'd take my chances.  I think its the history I find most intriguing especially when its attached to old homes. The only thing to improve upon an historic home would be to have a ghost tell its story. 

Haunted by judeMcConkeyPhotos on Etsy
~This photograph was taken in my hometown~ 

For the record...I startle easily, but I do not scare easily, there is a big difference between the two. So if I'm walking through a haunted house with you on Halloween I will startle when someone jumps out at me who wouldn't? But I will not be scared.  I'll always be your human shield, Kathy. 
Haunted Mansion by makedomercantilearts on Etsy 

People ask me all the time, whats your favorite scary movie?  While I am an avid scary movie go-er, I am always disappointed.  Most scary movies are out for the startle and in doing so they become cheesy.  I don't want to jump in my seat, I want to be scared.  I'm all about the "based on true events" and I'll even go for the "inspired by" even though I know they have entirely stretched the truth for Hollywood.  Mothman Prophecies scared the poop out of me.  The Fourth Kind not ghosts, but still woke me up in the middle of the night checking the dark corners of my room.  Sure, aliens why stop at ghosts?

If You Go Into The Woods Today by EyePoetryPhotography on Etsy

With all that said, I will never pursue a ghost.  If its gonna happen, it'll happen.  I would never use a Ouija board or try some silly chants to "conjure" a ghost.  Maybe I watch too many movies, but nothing good ever comes from that.  Ok, I know I'm a little messed up for genuinely wanting to live in a haunted house.  It would never happen...I am marrying a "scaredy-cat" and he would never be on board.  Twisted wishful thinking. 


  1. I don't know how you do it Ash...Thanks for being my human sheild! (I'm not going to liew even the pics in your post creeped me out)

  2. I love this post. I always want to hear about people's eccentricities, especially when they embrace them.
