Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Date Night

Nate and I have never really celebrated Valentine's Day.  He doesn't like boxed chocolate and I don't like stuffed animals.  This year we tried something new and made a reservation at a nice, overpriced restaurant.  It wouldn't be the cliche if it were affordable, right?  The truth is, we had gift cards otherwise it wouldn't have happened.  But we are glad it did.  We were served a special three-course meal that did not disappoint.  We indulged in some serious seafood, my mouth is watering just thinking about it.  I forgot my camera otherwise I would have documented the meal...or our hilarious reactions to it.  At one point, when Nate and I are hovering over our plates, we look up at each other simultaneously and burst out laughing.  Here's our conversation:

Nate: What are you laughing at?
Ashley: Oh just how amazing this food is...
Nate: Aaaand?
Ashley: How different this scene would look if we were eating it at home.
Nate: I know, there would be food flying everywhere.
Ashley: Exactly.

So true.  We can put on a good show when we need to, it was a classy restaurant after all.  I hope you enjoyed Valentine's Day however you chose or chose not to celebrate it.  Most importantly I hope you have/feel/share love!

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