Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Big Purchase

Thank you for waiting, I can finally shout it from the rooftops perhaps my own rooftop.  We have a rooftop now.  We bought a house.  When we began the process, Nate convinced me to keep it to ourselves so as not to jinx it and it worked.  Though I was absolutely brimming with excitement and wanted to blog about every step along the way.  The truth is, from offer to acceptance, financing to inspection, we went from basement dwellers to home owners in about four days.  In the most stress-free, 'lets do this' kind of way it all happened so fast.

While we have been ready for seven years to move into our own place, we must wait until July 23rd.  Our possession date.  I might be a little disappointed that for two months we can only dream about living there, then I remember we still have a wedding to plan.  I would be entirely consumed with cleaning, painting, moving, cleaning, decorating, shopping, cleaning and I can guarantee the wedding would be put on the back burner until all that was completed especially the cleaning.  So, lets call it a blessing in disguise.  And with a giant weight lifted from our shoulders, we can dive head first into this wedding and focus solely on the mass of love awaiting us.  Life is pretty fantastic right about now.  I couldn't wait to share it with you.  I'm sure you will be requesting photos, I will spare you the horrid realtor photos and promise to snap a few on our final walk through.  I hope you all have a marvelous short week!


  1. WHAT?!


  2. Congratulations!!!! So excited for you guys!

  3. Whoop! We are so happy and excited for you friends!! You know who to call for all your moving, painting and cleaning needs 1-800-IBLE'S....We cant wait to re-pay the favour! Congratulations!

  4. oh my gosh! what a blessing in disguise it is!!! congrats:)
