Friday, April 27, 2012

One and Seven

Speaking on our relationship, April is a big month for Nate and I.  Seven years ago, we officially became a couple.  Seven years.  One year ago, Nate asked me to marry him.  Aww.  We should have chose April for our wedding making it easy to remember our anniversary.  But it needed to be a summer wedding.  It was our best opportunity to make sure all the people we love the most could make it.  We need our people. 

April is also my blogiversary, I made it up, I think.  Although, its not too clever, I'm sure someone else has already trademarked the word.  Damn.  Regardless, I made it a full year.  I think thats something to be proud of.  I thought 2011 was exciting, thats why I began the blog in the first place.  Our plans for 2012 are promising to provide enough material for my blog to last at least another year.  I think what I love most about blogging is that I am essentially keeping an online journal.  Since as of late, I am relying on my journal to keep my ducks in a row.  On a side note, for every post I may publish, I have another unpublished.  Most of them I feel are a little too personal to share, but there is something about writing them anyway thats almost therapeutic.  Who knows, maybe the future of this blog will take a dive into the deep.  Thank you readers, for sticking with me thus far! 

In celebration of our one and seven anniversary as I will call it, here's a pic of when it all began.  Myself a sophomore and Nate a Junior at Lake State.  Taken where else, but The Backdoor in the Soo.  This may have been the one and only night of my life I was kicked out of a bar...a funny story maybe for another time.

Established 2005


  1. I want to hear the story of you getting kicked out of the back door!!!

  2. Hahaha, I know Tara, sounds funny right? I'm not sure if the story is blogworthy. I'll be sure to fill you in the next time I see you. Which by my calculations is only 40some days away :) Margaritas when I get back?
